Seattle University Law Review | Vol 34 | Iss 4

Volume 34, Issue 4 (2011) Berle II: The Second Annual Symposium of the Adolf A. Berle, Jr. Center on Corporations, Law & Society

Front Matter


Table of Contents
Seattle University Law Review

Symposium Articles


Beatrice Berle Meyerson


Does Critical Mass Matter? Views From the Boardroom
Lissa Lamkin Broome, John M. Conley, and Kimberly D. Krawiec



Editor in Chief

Kurt E. Kruckeberg

Managing Editor

Joseph Marchesano

Executive Editors

Michael Costello (Lead Articles)
Jennifer Cox Shapiro (Notes & Comments)
Paul H. Westfall (Editor at Large)

Symposium Chair

Jennifer Donofrio

Business & Marketing Editor

Michelle Blackmon

Lead Article Editors

Ryan Groshong Robert Iff
Reuben Schutz Victoria Slade

Note & Comment Editors

Sarah Gallagher Paige Spratt
Patricia Sully

Research & Technical Editors

Lael Carlson Megan Coluccio
Jonathan Cummings Sarah Rajski
Freya Ray Nina Scheel
Arthur Simpson

Associate Editors

Robert Anderson Robert Furst
William M. Humphries Steven Le
Kathrine Price Adriane Scola
Nathan Sugg Briahna Taylor
Terri Thomas


Lauren Adler Danielle Armstrong
Michael Callahan Kaitlin Cherf
James Corning Beth Davis
Christopher Graving Carrie Hobbs
Jason Kelley Shelby Knutson
Margaret Lund Holly Mack-Kretzler
Winfield B. Martin Joan H. Miller
Krista Nelson Stegin O'Neill
Brian Pinkerton Nathan Quigley
L. Jeffrey Roberson Rachel J. Schaefer
B. Porter Sesnon Jacob Stender
Andrew Tingkang Nicole Trask
Kyle Trethewey Colin Troy
Deanna White Brenna Willott
William Witherspoon Brian Wright

Editor Emeritus

Kelly M. Woodward

Faculty Advisors

Heid Bond Charles R.T. O'Kelley
J. Christopher Rideout